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  • Authorization to Release Information form

    Oct 21, 2021, 11:47 AM By MOSERS
    What is the purpose of the "Authorization to Release Form" ? 

    The Authorization to Release Information form gives us your permission to share or discuss your benefit information with someone else. You may amend or revoke it at any time. You can also set it up to automatically revoke after 90 days. You may submit it at any time by logging in to myMOSERS. During the retirement process, we encourage you to submit this form but it is optional.

    Common Reasons to Complete this Form

    • Another Person Takes Care of Your Finances - Some members prefer to have a spouse, other family member, advisor, or some other trusted person assume the responsibility for getting information from MOSERS about their benefits either because that person is well versed in such matters or because it is simply easier for that person to understand or get the information in person, over the phone, or via email.
    • Housing - If you move, your new housing provider may require proof of your income.
    • Military Leave or Other Extended Absence - If you will be away from home for an extended period of time, you may wish to authorize another trusted person to be able to get information from MOSERS on your behalf.
    • Change in Marital Status - If you previously completed an Authorization to Release Information form and later get married, divorced, remarried, or have another life event, you may want to consider completing and submitting a new form.
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  • Normal Retirement Eligibility Requirements

    Oct 20, 2021, 2:17 PM By MOSERS
    An employee where I work is 61 and has worked for the state for 12 years.  For whatever reason, they decided to take early retirement November 1.  They are telling everyone they are eligible to retire November 1 with their "80 and out."  How is this possible if their age and years of service only add up to 73?  Wouldn't they be taking a big cut in their retirement benefits by retiring now?

    It is possible this employee may have prior state service or may have purchased or transferred service in order to meet the requirements for “80 and Out” or they may be misstating or misunderstanding the terminology. Also, it is important to remember that, in order to retire, members are not required to have age and service equal 80 (or 90 for MSEP 2011) if they meet another set of age and service requirements first. If you or your co-workers have any additional questions about retirement eligibility, see the requirements and click on the plan information below or contact a MOSERS benefit counselor.  


    MSEP Members

    • Age 65 + 5 years of service or
    • Age 60 + 15 years of service or
    • “Rule of 80” – (at least age 48) when age + years of service = 80 or more


    MSEP 2000 Members

    • Age 62 + 5 years of service or
    • “Rule of 80” – (at least age 48) when age + years of service = 80 or more


    MSEP 2011 Members

    • Age 67 + 5 years of service or
    • “Rule of 90” – (at least age 55) when age + years of service = 90 or more at time of termination



    If you elect early retirement, your base benefit will be reduced by one-half of one percent (0.005) for each month your age at early retirement is younger than your normal retirement age.

    MSEP: Age 55 with 10 years of service

    MSEP 2000: Age 57 with 5 years of service

    MSEP 2011: Age 62 with 5 years of service

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  • Changing Your Name After Retirement

    Oct 19, 2021, 1:27 PM By MOSERS
    I got married and need to change my name. How do I go about doing that?

    Any member who is currently receiving a pension benefit of any kind or who is an inactive-vested member must submit proof to change their name or marital status.

    Proof of name change is required:

    • For any member when applying for retirement or after retirement if the name or information provided on the retirement application or other form differs from our records.
    • For any member when applying for a refund of employee contributions.
    • For any beneficiary applying for survivor or remaining guaranteed payments.

    For proof of name change and marital status, we can accept a divorce decree or a marriage certificate.

    We accept documents of proof in the format of photo or electronic copy. You can mail, e-mail, upload through myMOSERS account, or fax them to us.

    If you have additional questions, please contact a MOSERS benefit counselor at (800) 827-1063 or (573) 632-6100.

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  • Changing Your Name

    Oct 18, 2021, 9:41 AM By MOSERS
    I need to change my name - I got married. How do I do so? Thanks!!

    If you are currently an active state employee, you do not have to provide any documentation for these changes. Just contact a MOSERS benefit counselor at (800) 827-1063 or (573) 632-6100 so that they can verify your identity and update your name in our system.

    However, any member who is currently receiving a pension benefit of any kind or who is an inactive-vested member must submit proof to change their name or marital status.

    Proof of name change is also required:

    • For any member when applying for retirement or after retirement if the name or information provided on the retirement application or other form differs from our records.
    • For any member when applying for a refund of employee contributions.
    • For any beneficiary applying for survivor or remaining guaranteed payments.

    We accept documents of proof in the format of photo or electronic copy. You can mail, e-mail, upload through myMOSERS account, or fax them to us.

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  • Decreasing Your Optional Life Insurance Coverage

    Oct 13, 2021, 3:55 PM By MOSERS
    How can I change the amount of optional life insurance from $40,00 to $20,000? The premium has raised a lot for $40,000. Thanks

    When you move into a new age bracket, the premiums go up. To decrease your optional life insurance, please complete an Enrollment/Change - Optional Life Insurance form and submit it to MOSERS. You can complete the form and submit it electronically by logging in to myMOSERS This can be done any time throughout the year. Remember, to be eligible for future annual review periods, you must maintain at least $10,000 of optional life insurance coverage.

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  • Employer Contribution Rate

    Oct 13, 2021, 1:16 PM By MOSERS
    Could you give an example of the impact this change has?  .... Following an in-depth presentation from our independent external actuary, the MOSERS Board certified the MSEP employer contribution rate for FY23 at 26.33% of payroll beginning July 1, 2022. The employer contribution rate is the percent of pay that a MOSERS-covered employer contributes every pay period to properly fund the retirement plan. The funded ratio of the plan was calculated at 59%. You may ask, "Why is the funded ratio 59%"?

    Any change in the employer contribution rate does not impact retiree benefits. As compared to last year, the employer contribution rate certified this year by the MOSERS Board of Trustees represents a higher contribution for one year of service for active members and one year of payment on the plan’s unfunded actuarial accrued liability.

     System funding comes from three sources:

    • investment income,
    • employer contributions, and
    • employee contributions (from those first employed on or after January 1, 2011).

    For more information on MOSERS’ Employer Contribution Rate,  please see the Employer Contribution Rate infographic or feel free to contact us if you have further questions. 

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  • Email Preferences

    Oct 11, 2021, 11:33 AM By MOSERS
    Please send me paper notices about Mosers in the future rather than emails. 
    If you would like to change your email preferences, please log in to myMOSERS. After logging in, select Personal Information then Email Options. From there you can opt-out of receiving email updates. If you are unable to log in, please contact a MOSERS benefit counselor who will be happy to help you.


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  • Transferring between state agencies

    Sep 24, 2021, 2:24 PM By MOSERS

    Hello. If I change employment from one state agency to another does my retirement stay the same?

    It depends on where you transfer to. If you are transferring from a benefit-eligible position with one MOSERS-covered employer to a benefit-eligible position with another MOSERS-covered employer, then yes, your retirement date would stay the same, as long as you don’t have a break in service. This is a nice advantage of working for the state since it gives you so many options.

    If you move to an employer not covered by MOSERS, then you still may be able to transfer service credit but you would need to ask that employer and/or retirement system to determine if your retirement eligibility date will change. For example, the Missouri Department of Transportation is covered under MPERS not MOSERS. If you went to work for a public school system, it may be covered by PSRS/PEERS. This is an important question to get answered before you make your decision to transfer or not. 

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  • Public Pension Exemption - State Taxes

    Aug 30, 2021, 10:07 AM By MOSERS
    With the inflation that has occurred in the last year is there any way you can lobby the Governor and Legislators to eliminate state tax on state retirement

    If you are a Missouri resident, you may qualify for the Public Pension Exemption. Visit the Missouri Department of Revenue's Public Pension Exemption page or read our Missouri Public Pension Exemption flyer for more information.

    In order to be eligible for the full deduction, your Missouri adjusted gross income must fall within certain income limitations. If your income exceeds the limitation, you may qualify for a partial exemption.

    Contact the Missouri Department of Revenue to see if you qualify or ask your tax professional.

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  • Transferring to PSRS/PEERS

    Aug 26, 2021, 11:09 AM By MOSERS
    If I were to leave this position, and go to work for the school system, will my retirement time still be the same?
    It sounds like you are referring to a position covered by the Public School Retirement System/Public Education Employees Retirement System (PSRS/PEERS). You can find retirement eligibility information (age and service requirements) for those systems on the PSRS/PEERS website.

    A vested member of MOSERS who later takes a job covered by PSRS/PEERS may elect to transfer their service. This transfer is not a day-for-day transfer. The transferring system sends the actuarial value of the member’s service to the other system, which then converts that value to service. Members may purchase any remaining service not covered by the transfer at full actuarial cost.

    There are a variety of provisions that may allow employees to purchase or transfer service between MOSERS and another public retirement plan in Missouri. You are not required to purchase or transfer service if you move from one retirement system to another. You can potentially earn retirement benefits from more than one system.

    Depending on your plan, see either the Purchasing and Transferring Service Credit brochure (MSEP & MSEP 2000) or the Purchasing and Transferring Service Credit brochure (MSEP 2011), or contact a MOSERS benefit counselor for more information about your individual situation. 

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We strive to provide the most accurate information possible in our answers to Rumor Central questions. However, occasionally, laws, policies or provisions change and individual circumstances may vary. Please contact a MOSERS benefit counselor or see the handbooks in our website Library for more detailed information. If there is any difference between the information provided in this blog or on the MOSERS website and the law or policies that govern MOSERS, the law and policies will prevail. See our Privacy, Security & Legal Notices for more information.