

Senator Doug Beck

Senator Doug Beck Appointed to the MOSERS Board

Senator Doug Beck Appointed to the MOSERS Board of Trustees

Does a Pay Raise Affect My Future Benefit?

Have you recently received a pay raise? If so, you may be wondering how a pay increase will affect your future benefit. Your pay is one of the important factors used to determine your future retirement payments.

MEMBER ALERT: Always Contact MOSERS to Discuss Your Benefits

Email scams and solicitations are on the rise, and we want you to be aware of suspicious communications misrepresenting MOSERS.


Submit your question or browse our blog to separate facts from fiction.

What's My Plan?
When were you first employed in a benefit-eligible position with the state of Missouri?

Before July 1 2000
Between July 1 2000 and December 31 2010
On or After January 1 2011
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