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  • Marriage after Retirement

    May 16, 2024, 3:51 PM By MOSERS

    My husband retired from the state of Missouri in 2017. We were married in 2018. I was told that because we were not married before he retired, I am not eligible for any of his pension. Is this true?

    Survivor benefits may be available to a member who marries after retirement under certain circumstances (see below). However, based on the information you provided, you and your spouse have missed the window of opportunity to add a potential survivor benefit for you.

    In general, a retired member may re-elect the benefit payment option they chose at retirement:

    • If they were single at retirement and elected the life income annuity, they may elect a survivor benefit for their new spouse if they marry after retirement.
    • If a member elected a joint & survivor option at retirement and their spouse dies first, they may elect a survivor benefit for their new spouse if they remarry.

    Keep in mind that a retired member has one year from the date of marriage to elect a survivor benefit for their new spouse. The member will need to contact MOSERS to provide us with their new spouse's date of birth and date of marriage. After receiving this information, we will provide an estimate of their survivor benefit options and a Designation of New Spouse form if they wish to elect a survivor benefit for their new spouse.

    The survivor benefit designation will become effective on the first of the month following the date MOSERS receives the form and required proof documentation. For more information, see the Life Events page on our website.
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  • Life Income with Guaranteed Payments Option

    Mar 18, 2024, 9:27 AM By MOSERS
    Please explain the guaranteed benefit options. Is it correct that the term is only for payment to my beneficiary if I should die prior to the end of the guaranteed term? Asked another way, if I outlive the guaranteed term, do I continue to receive benefits until my death?

    Your retirement benefit from MOSERS is a lifetime benefit for you, the member, regardless of the benefit payment option you elect at retirement. Depending on your marital status, you will choose between different payment options such as the life income annuity, joint & survivor, and guaranteed payment options when you file your Retirement Election form.

    • The guaranteed payment options allow you to name anyone as your beneficiary(ies) (does not have to be your spouse).
    • Your retirement benefit will be reduced, and if you should pass before all the guaranteed payments have been made, any remaining payments will go to your beneficiary(ies).
    • You must name a beneficiary or beneficiaries (person, trust, corporation, organization, charity, or your estate) to receive any remaining guaranteed payments.

    No survivor payments will be paid if you have received all payments in the guaranteed period (other than the final payment).

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  • Annual Benefit Statements

    Feb 8, 2023, 7:56 AM By MOSERS

    When will the 2022 Annual Benefit Statements be available?

    We send Annual Benefit Statements in March to all active members. You can access last year’s statement by logging in to myMOSERS, clicking on Online Documents, and selecting Document Express. It is available to print or save as a PDF. Once all 2023 statements are sent, we will send you an email and you will be able to access this year’s statement by logging in to myMOSERS. If you have opted to receive paper notifications, we will mail your statement to you. Please be sure your email address and mailing address is up to date with us!

    Retirees get their Annual Benefit Statement each year on the anniversary of their retirement date or BackDROP date. We send benefit statements to elected officials and members on LTD in July, and we send statements to vested former state employees once every 5 years. 

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  • Postponing Retirement After Applying

    Jan 9, 2023, 3:41 PM By MOSERS

    I have applied for retirement with a retirement date of 3-1-2023. If I decide in mid February 2023 that I want to continue working instead of retiring on 3-1-2023, am I able to so so? If so, what do I need to do to move my retirement date further out, such as 5-1-2023?

    Yes, you may postpone your retirement.

    If you have already submitted a Retirement Application and decide to postpone your retirement date, you must send a written notice to MOSERS. We must receive your written notice prior to issuing your first benefit payment (ideally by mid-February in the situation described). Once your first benefit payment has been mailed or electronically transferred by MOSERS, your retirement election is irrevocable and cannot be changed. You may submit this request on paper or by email to  from an email address we already have on file for you.

    Your new retirement date must be the first of the month and within 120 days of the date of your application. If you choose a date that is more than 120 days from the date of your application, you must complete a new application.

    Example: If you filed your application on January 6 for a March 1 retirement date, you may postpone until April 1 or May 1 since those dates are within 120 days of January 6. If you decide to postpone your retirement until June 1 or later, you must submit a new application since June 1 is more than 120 days from January 6. 

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  • Do I have to pick my plan a year before I retire?

    Oct 20, 2022, 10:51 AM By MOSERS
    I am eligible for retirement 2/1/2024, I have heard that if I don't pick my retirement plan by this February (2/1/2023) a plan will be picked for me? The seminars and webinars are full, from now to end of December. I am worried I may not get the retirement option I want now!

    All eligible state employees are members of a retirement plan based on when they are first employed in a MOSERS benefit-eligible position and their vested status.

     Our records indicate that you are a member of MSEP. State law allows members of MSEP to choose either MSEP or MSEP 2000 at the time of retirement. A plan will not be picked for you. Your plan is not dependent upon if you attend a Ready to Retire seminar or not. Additionally, you are not required to make that decision a year in advance.

     It is important for you to learn about the retirement process and your choices at retirement. Below are options:

    • We have a Ready to Retire webinar on December 1, 2022, which we have opened up to additional attendees. You may register via myMOSERS or contact us at
    • At any time of year, you may call or make an in-person appointment to meet individually with a MOSERS benefit counselor to discuss your options.
    • In mid-December, we will post the education schedule for next year to our website. We encourage you to watch for that and, as soon as possible, register to attend an in-person seminar or webinar.
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  • Benefit Formula Breakdown

    Dec 16, 2021, 10:16 AM By MOSERS
    I have a new supervisor and she is curious on how to give staff the correct information about how Moser's comes up with retirement amounts to be paid. Could you send me the information on how this is figured out like a step-by-step so she will be able to answer some of the questions she will be getting? Also, would you send me an e-mail of what & when I need to do as far as my retirement? I believe I can retire Nov. 1, 2023.

    This is a great question. Below is a breakdown of the benefit formula.

    If you are a general state employee (including college and university employees), when you apply for retirement, your monthly base benefit* is calculated using a formula, as defined by law, that takes into account the following factors:

    • Final Average Pay (FAP) – The average of your highest 36 consecutive months of compensation
    • Multiplier – The multiplier established by the legislature (1.6% or 0.016 for MSEP; 1.7% or 0.017 for MSEP 2000 and MSEP 2011)
    • Credited Service – Your years and months of credited service earned, purchased, or transferred, and unused sick leave (if applicable)

    * Base benefit is the amount before any reductions, taxes, or other deductions.

    Examples - Using the multiplier for MSEP 2000 or MSEP 2011 retirees:

    $3,000 (FAP)   x   0.017 (Multiplier) 15 years (Credited Service)   =   $765 monthly base benefit

    $3,500 (FAP)   x   0.017 (Multiplier) 17.5 years (Credited Service)   =   $1,041.25 monthly base benefit

    $4,000 (FAP)   x   0.017 (Multiplier) 30 years (Credited Service)   =   $2,040 monthly base benefit

    $_____ (FAP)   x   ____ (Multiplier) x ____ years (Credited Service) = $_______ monthly base benefit

    There is also the Temporary Benefit, which is available if you retire under the "Rule of 80" (MSEP 2000) or the "Rule of 90" (MSEP 2011), and it provides you with an additional benefit until age 62 along with your base benefit. The formula for the Temporary Benefit is: Final Average Pay (FAP) x .008 (Multiplier) x Credited Service. At age 62, it ends but your base benefit continues.

    You can log in to myMOSERS to generate a benefit estimate or contact a MOSERS benefit counselor. 

    Since you are only two years from retirement, we encourage you to attend a Ready to Retire session to learn about the process. Registration is now open for 2022 sessions. Log in to myMOSERS to sign up. You can also contact a MOSERS benefit counselor to make a 1-on-1 appointment. Check out our Ready to Retire page and the Retirement Guide for more information.  

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  • Monthly Pension Benefit Formula

    Nov 2, 2021, 3:06 PM By MOSERS

    I would like to ask a question about how re-employment with the State of MO would effect my current retirement plan/pension. I have been away from employment since 2008. If I would be able to attain employment within the next 3-6 months, or so, basically, how does it effect my retirement if I would be employed again with the State of MO, and any other pertinent information for "re-hire" after 13 years?

    Retirement benefits for general state employees (including university employees) are calculated using a three-part formula: FAP x Multiplier x Credited Service = Monthly pension benefit payment

    Learn more about your benefits in the Summary of Pension Benefit Provisions (All Plans) and by plan on our website: MSEP, MSEP 2000, and MSEP 2011.

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  • Updates to your mailing address

    Nov 1, 2021, 11:52 AM By MOSERS
    My personal information is up to date, but when I pull up a report of my pay, it has my old address on it.

    You can change your mailing address by logging in to myMOSERS. Select Personal Information then click Update Personal Information. You can also make changes to your email address and phone number(s). Updates to email addresses become effective by the next working day. If you wish, you may choose a future date (up to 3 months ) for other changes to become effective. If you are unable to do so online, please contact a MOSERS benefit counselor, who would be happy to assist you.

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  • Authorization to Release Information form

    Oct 21, 2021, 11:47 AM By MOSERS
    What is the purpose of the "Authorization to Release Form" ? 

    The Authorization to Release Information form gives us your permission to share or discuss your benefit information with someone else. You may amend or revoke it at any time. You can also set it up to automatically revoke after 90 days. You may submit it at any time by logging in to myMOSERS. During the retirement process, we encourage you to submit this form but it is optional.

    Common Reasons to Complete this Form

    • Another Person Takes Care of Your Finances - Some members prefer to have a spouse, other family member, advisor, or some other trusted person assume the responsibility for getting information from MOSERS about their benefits either because that person is well versed in such matters or because it is simply easier for that person to understand or get the information in person, over the phone, or via email.
    • Housing - If you move, your new housing provider may require proof of your income.
    • Military Leave or Other Extended Absence - If you will be away from home for an extended period of time, you may wish to authorize another trusted person to be able to get information from MOSERS on your behalf.
    • Change in Marital Status - If you previously completed an Authorization to Release Information form and later get married, divorced, remarried, or have another life event, you may want to consider completing and submitting a new form.
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  • Normal Retirement Eligibility Requirements

    Oct 20, 2021, 2:17 PM By MOSERS
    An employee where I work is 61 and has worked for the state for 12 years.  For whatever reason, they decided to take early retirement November 1.  They are telling everyone they are eligible to retire November 1 with their "80 and out."  How is this possible if their age and years of service only add up to 73?  Wouldn't they be taking a big cut in their retirement benefits by retiring now?

    It is possible this employee may have prior state service or may have purchased or transferred service in order to meet the requirements for “80 and Out” or they may be misstating or misunderstanding the terminology. Also, it is important to remember that, in order to retire, members are not required to have age and service equal 80 (or 90 for MSEP 2011) if they meet another set of age and service requirements first. If you or your co-workers have any additional questions about retirement eligibility, see the requirements and click on the plan information below or contact a MOSERS benefit counselor.  


    MSEP Members

    • Age 65 + 5 years of service or
    • Age 60 + 15 years of service or
    • “Rule of 80” – (at least age 48) when age + years of service = 80 or more


    MSEP 2000 Members

    • Age 62 + 5 years of service or
    • “Rule of 80” – (at least age 48) when age + years of service = 80 or more


    MSEP 2011 Members

    • Age 67 + 5 years of service or
    • “Rule of 90” – (at least age 55) when age + years of service = 90 or more at time of termination



    If you elect early retirement, your base benefit will be reduced by one-half of one percent (0.005) for each month your age at early retirement is younger than your normal retirement age.

    MSEP: Age 55 with 10 years of service

    MSEP 2000: Age 57 with 5 years of service

    MSEP 2011: Age 62 with 5 years of service

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We strive to provide the most accurate information possible in our answers to Rumor Central questions. However, occasionally, laws, policies or provisions change and individual circumstances may vary. Please contact a MOSERS benefit counselor or see the handbooks in our website Library for more detailed information. If there is any difference between the information provided in this blog or on the MOSERS website and the law or policies that govern MOSERS, the law and policies will prevail. See our Privacy, Security & Legal Notices for more information.