HR Update is a way for MOSERS to communicate benefit news and updates with human resource and payroll representatives. Check back often and sign up to receive our emails. 

  • Register for a Statewide New Employee Benefits Webinar!

    Aug 20, 2024, 10:01 AM By MOSERS

    Join us for Statewide New Employee Benefit Webinars starting in August!

    These webinars will be offered bimonthly via Webex from 2:00 until 3:30 p.m. on the 1st and 16th of each month. They will allow all new state employees to learn about their benefits consistently and save time and effort for our benefit providers.

    Statewide New Employee Benefit Webinars will include live benefit training and informational sessions with benefit providers from MOSERS, MO Deferred Comp, MCHCP, MO Cafe, and MoVLIC. If your new employees are unable to attend, they can access recorded webinars on the MO Benefits website.

    Encourage your new employees to attend an upcoming webinar to learn more about their benefits. If you have any questions, reach out to the MO Benefits team at

  • Recently Updated Resources

    Aug 20, 2024, 10:00 AM By MOSERS

  • Sign Up for Summer Education

    Jul 17, 2024, 7:32 AM By MOSERS

    Summer education is here!

    We still have seats available at several in-person Ready to Retire seminars this summer. These sessions are designed for general state employees who are within five years of retirement eligibility. Members will learn about the decisions they will need to make and prepare for the retirement process.

    How to enroll in a summer session:

    Members can log in to myMOSERS, click on Education Enrollment, then on Ready to Retire. After reviewing the schedule, they can select the session they want to attend and complete the registration information.

    Once registered, we will send a confirmation to the member’s MOSERS Document Express online mailbox, as well as reminders leading up to the session.

    Remind your employees to check out our Education page to see all the remaining 2024 seminar dates!

    Already enrolled? Bring a spouse or guest!

    Members can call us at (800) 827-1063 if they are already registered for a session this year but would like to add their spouse or a guest. Available only while seats last.

    How members can prepare for the session:

    Encourage your employees to save their seat for a Ready to Retire summer session today!

  • Reminder: The Annual Salary Verification Process is Coming in August

    Jul 17, 2024, 7:31 AM By MOSERS

    Each August, MOSERS asks our employers to help verify employee salaries to ensure that basic life insurance coverage amounts are accurate.

    MOSERS will release the Annual Salary Verification Report in mid-August. Once the report is ready for your review, we will send a notice (including instructions). Employers must complete all salary verifications by September 5.

    The report is essential to ensure that covered employees receive the correct basic life insurance coverage each year.

    Eligible employees receive one times their annual salary in basic life insurance coverage. The amount of coverage adjusts each January according to the employee's annual earnings in effect on July 31 of the previous year (or the employee's first day of coverage if not covered on July 31).

    • Annual earnings include normal earnings from a benefit-eligible position, including shift differential, security differential, and retention pay.
    • Overtime pay and other irregular payments are excluded from annual earnings.
    • If an employee works simultaneously in both a benefit-eligible and non-benefit-eligible position, only pay from the benefit-eligible position is included in annual earnings.

    If you have questions about the annual salary verification process, please email You can also watch the Life Insurance Verification tutorial on how to work the report.

  • Recently Updated Resources

    Jul 17, 2024, 7:30 AM By MOSERS

  • In This Edition

    Jun 13, 2024, 10:02 AM By MOSERS

    Employer Retirement Contribution Rate Changes

    New Employer Reference Guide Available

    Reminder for Mid-Career Webinars!

    We Appreciate You!

  • Employer Retirement Contribution Rate Changes

    Jun 13, 2024, 10:01 AM By MOSERS

    The employer retirement contribution rate is calculated by MOSERS’ external actuary and is certified by the MOSERS Board of Trustees annually.

    As a reminder, the employer retirement contribution rates for MSEP, MSEP 2000, and MSEP 2011, as well as for the Judicial Plan and Judicial Plan 2011, are changing effective July 1, 2024.

    The changes to the employer retirement contribution rates for the respective plans, effective July 1, 2024, are as follows:

    Fiscal YearEffective DateMSEP, MSEP 2000, MSEP 2011Judicial Plan, Judicial Plan 2011

    There are no changes to the employer contribution rates for CURP, basic life insurance, and long-term disability benefits.

    If you are a local employer, please take note and adjust retirement contributions, effective July 1, 2024, as needed.

    If you are a SAM II employer, contributions occur automatically as a percentage of payroll, and you do not need to take any additional action.

    See Employer Contributions for more information.

  • New Employer Reference Guide Available

    Jun 13, 2024, 10:00 AM By MOSERS

    We have added an Employer Reference Guide to the Employers page of the MOSERS website. In it, you will find information relevant to your reporting duties to MOSERS, such as benefit eligibility, contributions, service and salary credit, employee status changes, and more. We encourage you to use the guide as a resource and to contact if you have any questions. We will inform you of additional updates and navigation changes to the Employers page, particularly as we approach deploying the new system, Phoenix.

  • Reminder for Mid-Career Webinars!

    Jun 13, 2024, 9:59 AM By MOSERS

    Please remind your employees that if they have at least five years of service (vested) and are more than five years from their first normal retirement eligibility date, now is a great time to attend a Mid-Career Webinar!

    They can join us to learn about the employee benefits administered by MOSERS, including pension plan features, how different career and life events may affect their pension benefit, and their retirement savings plan options with MO Deferred Comp.

    Remaining webinars for 2024 are scheduled for July 2, August 1, and November 21 (evening). The daytime webinars are from 9:30 a.m. to noon, and the evening webinar is from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. These webinars will include speakers from MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp.

    Your employees can register for an upcoming webinar at myMOSERS by following step-by-step instructions for enrolling in a webinar via myMOSERS and GoTo Webinar.

  • We Appreciate You!

    Jun 13, 2024, 9:58 AM By MOSERS

    June is Employee Appreciation Month, and we want to take a moment to express our gratitude for all that you do!

    As liaisons between MOSERS and our members, your diligence and efforts in educating your employees about the benefits we offer are truly valued.

    We receive more than 3,000 service-related forms from employers each month, which significantly impacts how MOSERS is able to administer benefits to state employees. By submitting a leave of absence, transfer, or termination form, you ensure that your employees receive the credit they deserve.

    You truly make a difference in people’s lives every single day.

    Thank you!

  • In This Edition

    May 16, 2024, 8:15 AM By MOSERS

    Thanks for Joining Us!

    Summer Education Opportunities

    April Hiring Event Was a Success!

    Reminder: Scheduling Appointments in Advance

  • Summer Education Opportunities

    May 16, 2024, 8:13 AM By MOSERS

    Encourage your staff to enroll in summer education!

    As an HR rep, you also have an open invitation to attend any member education session. See the enrollment information below. Just call us at (800) 827-1063 or (573) 632-6100 and ask for Debbie at ext. 1231, or email

    We still have seats available at several Ready to Retire in-person seminars and online webinars for this summer. These sessions are designed for general state employees who are within five years of retirement eligibility.

    School is always more fun with a friend! Members are welcome to bring a spouse/guest with them!

    How do members enroll?

    Members can log in to myMOSERS, click on Education Enrollment, then on Ready to Retire, and follow the prompts. Additional dates are also available this fall.

  • April Hiring Event Was a Success!

    May 16, 2024, 8:12 AM By MOSERS

    On April 4, our educators, John Wells and Amber Arnold, represented MOSERS at the State of Missouri Hiring Event in Jefferson City. We were excited about the opportunity to tell prospective state employees about all the benefits we administer, including pension, life insurance, and long-term disability.

    Representatives from 21 different state agencies attended this hiring event, which allowed over 293 job seekers to engage with recruiters and receive assistance in their job search. Fifty of those job seekers also received resume support. The state recruiters conducted 2,397 conversations and 181 on-site interviews, with 28 conditional job offers made on that day alone!

    Agencies in attendance:

    • State Auditor’s Office 
    • Department of Commerce and Insurance 
    • Department of Economic Development 
    • Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 
    • Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development  
    • Department of Health and Senior Services 
    • Department of Mental Health  
    • Department of Natural Resources  
    • Department of Corrections 
    • Department of Labor and Industrial Relations 
    • Department of Revenue 
    • Department of Public Safety 
    • Department of Social Services 
    • Department of Agriculture 
    • Department of Conservation 
    • Department of Transportation 
    • Missouri State Public Defender 
    • Missouri National Guard 
    • Office of Administration 
    • Office of State Courts Administrator
    • Secretary of State

    Resource Area Vendors:

    • DHEWD with Resume Support 
    • DHEWD with Career Skills Program 
    • DSS with Workforce & Community Initiatives 
    • Dreams to Reality 
    • MCHCP 
    • MOSERS 
    • MO Deferred Comp
    • OA with the Office of Equal Opportunity

    Thank you to all the employers who were able to attend! This hiring event was a great success because of your efforts to promote employment with the State of Missouri.

  • Reminder: Scheduling Appointments in Advance

    May 16, 2024, 8:11 AM By MOSERS

    Your employees can always schedule an appointment in advance to meet with a benefit counselor in our office. This will result in a much shorter wait time and allow us to answer all their questions about retirement, life insurance, and long-term disability benefits.

    Counselors are available to assist members from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Our office is open during the noon hour for members who would like to drop off forms, but we also have a drop box outside our office available 24/7.

    Our benefit counselors can:

    • Print off benefit estimates during an appointment. 
    • Discuss retirement options. 
    • Demonstrate how to retire online. 
    • Provide personal assistance when submitting a claim for life insurance or long-term disability benefits.

    And so much more!

    Please encourage your employees to make an appointment in advance to meet with a benefit counselor, as our staff is limited in availability. They can contact us by calling (800) 827-1063 or (573) 632-6100.

    If employees would rather meet virtually instead of in-person, they can just let us know when they contact us to schedule an appointment. We will set it up through Microsoft Teams, making it easy to connect one-on-one with a benefit counselor.

  • In This Edition

    Apr 17, 2024, 9:41 AM By MOSERS

    Phoenix Update

    Spring Cleaning Reminder

    Encourage Your Employees to Sign Up for a Webinar Today!

    Annual Benefit Statements are Available!

    Recently Updated Resources

  • Spring Cleaning Reminder

    Apr 17, 2024, 9:39 AM By MOSERS

    Spring is here, and it’s a good time to remind your employees to clean up their life insurance beneficiary designations to make sure they are current. If they’ve had any family status changes, such as a marriage, divorce, legal separation, the birth or adoption of a child, or simply need to update a beneficiary’s name or address, they can review the beneficiaries listed in their Annual Benefit Statement. Beneficiary designations can be updated at any time by logging in to myMOSERS. Their beneficiary information will be displayed below their current life insurance coverage amount. They may change their designation while logged in by selecting Forms from the main menu, then Life Insurance Beneficiaries.

    *Conservation and College & University Employees (except Lincoln University and State Technical College of Missouri): As you know, some of their benefits (such as life insurance and disability coverage) are provided directly through their employer, so no information on these benefits will appear in their 2024 Annual Benefit Statement from MOSERS.

  • Encourage Your Employees to Sign Up for a Webinar Today!

    Apr 17, 2024, 9:38 AM By MOSERS

    We have designed our educational programs to help state employees learn information about their benefits as they progress through their careers and experience different life events along the way.

    Newer Employees & MOSERS Webinars – Employees can start learning about the state benefits administered by MOSERS, including pension plan features, life insurance, long-term disability, and their personal retirement savings plan options with MO Deferred Comp.

    • For employees who are newer to the state with at least six months but less than five years of service (not yet vested).
    • Speakers include MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp.
    • Sessions last approximately 2 hours.
    • Daytime sessions run from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
    • Evening sessions run from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

    Mid-Career Webinar – Employees can learn how different career and life events may affect their pension benefit.

    • For employees with at least five years of service (vested) and ten or more years until retirement eligibility.
    • Speakers include MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp.
    • Sessions last approximately 2.5 hours.
    • Daytime sessions are held from 9:30 a.m. to noon.
    • Evening sessions are held from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

    Stay up to date and visit our Education page frequently for more information, including schedules and how to register.

  • Annual Benefit Statements are Available!

    Apr 17, 2024, 9:37 AM By MOSERS

    Annual Benefit Statements for active members are available online. Employees can access their statements by logging in to myMOSERS, clicking on Online Documents, and then Document Express. From there, they can download and save or print it.

    Now is a good time to encourage your employees to review their Annual Benefit Statement. A significant part of their total compensation is represented through the value of the benefits they receive as a state employee, including:

    • Their MOSERS defined benefit pension plan
    • Healthcare benefits
    • Life insurance
    • Long-term disability insurance
    • The MO Deferred Comp Plan contribution match
    • Paid time off such as annual leave, sick leave, and holidays

    Their Annual Benefit Statement contains all this information in one convenient document.

    Employees who work in a retirement-eligible position and become vested will be eligible for a lifetime monthly benefit once they meet retirement eligibility. Their MOSERS defined benefit pension is guaranteed income in retirement for the rest of their life! The estimated monthly benefit highlighted on their Annual Benefit Statement is calculated based on a formula, which includes their years of service and final average pay. The longer they work, the higher their benefit!

  • Recently Updated Resources

    Apr 17, 2024, 9:36 AM By MOSERS

  • In This Edition

    Mar 14, 2024, 8:25 AM By MOSERS

    April is MOSERS Month!

    Updates Coming Soon to the Employer Web Pages!

    Hour Tracking for Non-Benefit-Eligible Employees

    Stay Up to Date with Status Change Form Submissions

    Important Reminders About Terminations

