HR Update is a way for MOSERS to communicate benefit news and updates with human resource and payroll representatives. Check back often and sign up to receive our emails. 

  • From the Education Desk

    Feb 16, 2022, 10:15 AM By MOSERS

    2022 Education Registration is Open!

    We encourage you to remind your employees that we have redesigned our educational programs to help them learn information about their benefits as they progress through their career and experience different life events along the way. 

    Newer Employees & MOSERS Webinars – Start learning about the state benefits administered by MOSERS.

      • For employees who are newer to the state with at least six months but less than five years of service (not yet vested)
      • Speakers include MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp
      • Daytime and evening sessions available
      • Sessions last approximately 90 minutes
      • Register via GoTo Webinar for a daytime session or evening session.

    Mid-Career Webinar – Learn how different career and life events may affect your pension benefit.

      • For employees with at least five years of service (vested) and ten or more years until retirement eligibility
      • Speakers include MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp
      • Daytime and evening sessions available
      • Sessions last approximately 2 hours
      • Register by following step-by-step instructions for enrolling in a webinar via myMOSERS and GoTo Webinar.

    Ready to Retire Sessions – Learn about the retirement process and how different decisions may impact your pension benefit.

      • For employees within five years of retirement eligibility
      • Speakers include MOSERS, MO Deferred Comp, MCHCP, and Social Security
      • Daytime and evening sessions available
      • Sessions are full-day or part-day or evening depending on the audience

    Download and share our Education Poster with your employees and hang it in your common areas. If possible, we encourage you to allow eLearning credit for your employees attending one of these sessions.

    Stay up to date and visit frequently for more information, including schedules and how to register. 

  • From the Education Desk...

    Jan 18, 2022, 11:22 AM By MOSERS

    Coming Soon and Already Open…

    MOSERS educational programs are designed to help state employees learn information about their benefits as they progress through their careers and experience different life events along the way. Please send your employees our way.

    Registration Now Open

    Newer Employees & MOSERS Webinars – Start learning about the state benefits administered by MOSERS.

      • For employees who are newer to the state with at least six months but less than five years of service (not yet vested)
      • Speakers include MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp
      • Daytime and evening sessions available
      • Sessions last approximately 1½ hours

    Registration Opens February 8

    Mid-Career Webinar – Learn how different career and life events may affect your pension benefit.

      • For employees with at least five years of service (vested) and ten or more years until retirement eligibility
      • Speakers include MOSERS and MO Deferred Comp
      • Daytime and evening sessions available
      • Sessions last approximately 2 hours

    Registration is OPEN for 2022 Ready to Retire Sessions and they are filling quickly!

    Ready to Retire Sessions – Learn about the retirement process and how different decisions may impact your pension benefit.

      • For employees within five years of retirement eligibility
      • Speakers include MOSERS, MO Deferred Comp, MCHCP, and Social Security
      • Daytime and evening sessions available
      • Sessions are full-day, part-day or evening, depending on the audience

    Download and share our new Education Poster with your employees and hang it in your common areas. If possible we encourage you to allow eLearning credit for your employees attending one of these sessions.

    Stay up to date and visit our Education page frequently for more information including schedules and how to register.

