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Transferring Credited Service from MPERS to MOSERS

Jun 7, 2021, 08:00 AM by MOSERS
So my husband currently work at MoDot but is thinking about applying for MDOC. Would his retirement, time of service, and 80 and out still apply if he came to work for DOC. He is currently on MPERS. Thank you.

Yes, he can transfer his credited service with MPERS to MOSERS. If he is a vested member of MSEP or MSEP 2000, the Rule of 80 (“80 and Out”) will still apply for normal retirement eligibility.

To apply for the transfer of service, if he is a vested member of MSEP, MSEP 2000 or MSEP 2011, once he is hired by the Department of Corrections, he must simply notify MOSERS in writing. He should include his name, Social Security number, and his dates of service under MPERS. We will verify his previous service with MPERS. MPERS will send MOSERS the equivalent amount of employer (state) contributions made for this service. We will send him a notice confirming the transfer when the process is complete. This is a free transfer of service; there is no cost to the member.

If he is not vested, he can transfer his service after one complete year of service under MOSERS. Also, for members of MSEP 2011, the retirement eligibility requirements are different.

If he is looking at other options, you can review the complete list of MOSERS covered Employers on our website. See our Purchasing and Transferring Service Guide for MSEP (Closed Plan) Members or Purchasing and Transferring Service Guide for MSEP 2000 Member for additional service transfer and purchase options.

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