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Re-employment with the State

Feb 19, 2021, 16:50 PM by MOSERS
Regarding the new severed employment rule, is the University of Missouri or State Technical College considered part of "the State of Missouri". When can someone who left a position under MOSERS begin interviewing for positions with the University of Missouri or State Tech? Thank you.

As you consider reemployment after leaving your current position, please review the list of MOSERS-covered employers.

The University of Missouri is not a MOSERS-covered employer, so you could begin interviewing with them at any time.

State Technical College of Missouri is a MOSERS-covered employer so you must have a “bona fide termination” with your current employer before reemployment with State Tech or any other MOSERS-covered employer.

For purposes of MOSERS Board Rules, a "bona fide termination" occurs when:

  • You have completely severed employment;
  • You have not entered into a prearranged agreement (written or oral), prior to retirement, with the State of Missouri or any MOSERS-covered employer for subsequent employment on any basis (full-time, part-time, or other); and
  • You are not subsequently employed with the State of Missouri or any MOSERS-covered employer on any basis (full-time, part-time, or other) within 30 days after your employment with your prior employer has ended.

Practically speaking that means you must wait until after your retirement date (the first day of the month in which you begin receiving retirement benefits) to interview with any MOSERS-covered employer. However, you could not be rehired prior to the expiration of the 30-day separation-of-service period.

Example: Let’s say you plan to retire in May. Your last day at work is April 23rd but you take annual leave for the rest of the month until April 30.

  • Your “termination date” would be April 30.
  • Your “retirement date” would be May 1.
  • Assuming you meet the deadlines and complete all the steps for retirement, we would issue your first monthly pension payment on May 31.

In this scenario, you may begin interviewing with other MOSERS-covered employers on or after May 1. You may begin reemployment with a MOSERS-covered employer on or after May 31. Please note, if your reemployment is in a MOSERS benefit-eligible position, your monthly pension payments from MOSERS will stop.

For additional information, please see: Ready to Retire and Working After Retirement on our website or contact us to speak with a MOSERS benefit counselor about your particular situation.

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